




    A library implements a collection of functions and definitions that can be used by other programs. A C library consists of two parts:


    The application programming interface (API) to the library, which gets defined in one or more header files (.h files) that must be included in C source code files that plan to use the library. The headers define what the library exports to its users. These definitions usually include library function prototypes, and they may also include type, constant, or global variable declarations.


    The implementation of the library’s functionality, often made available to programs in a precompiled binary format that gets linked (added) into the binary executable created by gcc. Precompiled library code might be in an archive file (libsomelib.a, archive) containing several .o files that can be statically linked into the executable file at compile time. Alternatively, it may consist of a shared object file (libsomelib.so, shared object) that can be dynamically linked at runtime into a running program.

    库功能的实现,通常以预编译的二进制格式提供给程序,该格式链接(添加)到gcc创建的二进制可执行文件中。预编译的库代码可能位于包含多个.o文件的存档文件(libsomelib.a, archive)中,这些文件可以在编译时静态链接到可执行文件。或者,它可以由一个共享对象文件(libsomelib.so, shared object)组成,该文件可以在运行时动态链接到正在运行的程序中。

    For example, the C string library implements a set of functions to manipulate C strings. The string.h header file defines its interface, so any program that wants to use string library functions must #include <string.h>. The implementation of the C string library is part of the larger standard C library (libc) that the gcc compiler automatically links into every executable file it creates.


    A library’s implementation consists of one or more modules (.c files), and may additionally include header files that are internal to the library implementation; internal header files are not part of the library’s API but are part of well-designed, modular library code. Often the C source code implementation of a library is not exported to the user of the library. Instead, the library is made available in a precompiled binary form. These binary formats are not executable programs (they cannot be run on their own), but they provide executable code that can be linked into (added into) an executable file by gcc at compilation time.






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