





    天眷通宝折二钱面文为楷体,直径3厘米,重约7.2克。天眷通宝平钱为楷书体,右旋读,其中“眷”字多书一横; 而“通”字写法颇肖南宋“建炎通宝”之“点建”钱的写法,“宝”分作三笔,甚奇。该钱光背,棕褐色包浆,字间有入骨锈,制作精整,应为官铸。[1] “金代天眷通宝真书折二”早年出土于河南省,原为泉届名家收藏。




    英文名称Day TongBao as soon as possible








  • 贴骨锈
  • 锈层与器物本体浑然一体,几乎没有分离感,结实地贴在器物表面,多成绿色,真锈是有颗粒感,而不是像粉末一样,而且真锈颜色有深有浅极其自然,这些是一些仿制者无法做到的,可以看到这枚钱币整体绿绣有内而外,而且颜色有深有浅,层次感极强,且富有颗粒感,经专家鉴定为罕见的真品钱币,值得收藏传世。






    英文翻译:Tianjuan tong bao, one of the ancient Chinese COINS. Early jin dynasty COINS, because of the existence of rare, tianjiatong treasure has not seen spectrum. Tianjuan tong treasure cent xiaoping and fold two, flat money has kai, seal two kinds of text.

    Day as soon as possible tong bao fold 2 money face text is regular script, diameter 3 cm, weight about 7.2 grams. < / p > < p > day as soon as possible tongbao flat money for regular script, right-handed read, which "as soon as possible" word more books a horizontal; And "tong" word writing method quite xiao south song "jian yan tong bao" of "jian yan tong bao" money writing method, "bao" divided into three, very strange. The money bare back, brown coated pulp, the word has bone rust, made fine, should be the official cast. [1] "jin tianjuan tongbao book folding two" unearthed in the early years in henan province, the original collection of famous spring.

    Tianjuan tongbao is one of the most important COINS in ancient China. "Jin tianjuan tongbao book folding two" unearthed in henan province in the early years, the original collection of famous quan, has been recognized by the academic circles as the ancient coin outline of the great treasure, is the only object seen in the spectrum of the spring. The coin qian calligraphy beautiful beautiful handsome, quite basic; Excellent casting, warm and moist copper color, the shape of the standard, old coated pulp. The coin is slightly deep on the face and slightly shallow on the back. For the gold casting money, it has an important demonstration role of linking the past and the future. In addition, there is "tianjuan ingot treasure" money.

    The collection is introduced

    Chinese name: lonely product tianjuan tongbao

    English name: Lonely products tianjiutong treasure

    Category: miscellaneous

    Specification: seven

    Phase: beauty

    Positive regular script day as soon as possible to treasure, outside the circle inside the square, symbol of heaven and earth universe, day as soon as possible to treasure copper standard regular script version, its "through" the word "go" and no link, obviously different from the previous two products; "Day", "as soon as possible", "treasure" and other three words compared with the former, also show zhou zheng steady, dignified weight; In addition, it can be seen from the picture, the back guo of this product compared with the other two products, more refined, seems to have huizong money aftertaste is more than its three points, by the view, this day as the first layout of the first see, it can be said in the rare treasures of the rare treasures!

    Tianjuan tongbao was owned by the third emperor of the jin dynasty, jin-hee-zong wanyan jun (hereinafter referred to as "jin-hee-zong"), who was the eldest grandson of jin-taizu wanyan aguda. Although jin xizong is the royal family of nuzhen, he has received Chinese education since his childhood. He learned from han scholars and scholars, such as han fang.

    Stick a bone rust

    Rust layer and implements an ontology one integrated mass, almost no sense of separation, strong enough to stick on the surface of objects, more green, true rust is a sense of particles, rather than like a powder, and true rust is very dark and light color is natural, these are some imitators to cannot do, you can see the red circle coin marker, patina have deep have shallow, highlight with a grainy, identified by experts as genuine silver in the qing dynasty, it is worth collecting handed down from ancient times.

    Day: use for three years, as soon as possible after emperor xizong of jin gaiyuan HuangTong, national museum of China in possession of "HuangTong ingots" xiaoping seal character in fujian, and Mr RongTianSong had old Tibet "HuangTong TongBao" fold the top two seal character, the two goods all can confirm emperor xizong of jin HuangTong years have also drum cast HuangTong ZhiQian.

    Why day as soon as possible, HuangTong two ZhiQian all is lost in history, like a great relationship with the end of the emperor xizong of jin, the emperor xizong of jin's HuangTong 9 year lunar twined by yan hong liang et al, after death is created for the "east king faint" (" city of "the temple until nearly forty years or so after the big set in the twenty-seventh year of emperor shizong of jin to canonization), and the successor is the regicide yan hong liang, yan hong light because the kingdom is not straight, will probably important books of the emperor xizong of jin once damaged, otherwise, cast about money, but completely in history, it's ridiculous. It may be said that the way of heaven is good, wanyan liang was finally killed by his followers, after death was chased down as "the people of the tomb", escape the death of the history pen!

    Since the first year of the tianjuan, has been through eight hundred and eighty years, the present of this "tianjuan tongbao", she experienced how much wind and rain, witnessed the vicissitudes of life? Has she ever been rubbed in the hands of Kim hee-jong, treasured in his arms? Her body, whether still retains the master's residual temperature?... < / p > < p > China ancient spring shaanxi station at the beginning of the establishment, that is to get this precious spring, thanks to the days of the Chinese, very lucky!

    Collection value: tianjiutong treasure known only 3, for the ancient money big treasure, in 2007 guardian spring patted a tianjiutong treasure off 2, the transaction price of 1.344 million yuan.

    This coin is in perfect, without any damage, ke is short of, deformation, cracks, obvious bone fidelity to the generation of rust, is a rare coin of town, pavilion, can for the orphan works, very rare, for coin fans can see money, have no regret in this lifetime, 07 year was 1.34 million, then buy a Zhou Guizhen are recommended only five thousand pieces, have now daily, its market value is high, can collect the money, is not only a symbol of identity, but also refined literati. This coin history research value is extremely high, the collection potential is huge, the proposal collection, handed down.


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